Still, the first reaction:
"We search antique fairs, flea markets, eBay, and estate sales for these vintage treasures. We keep them safe, clean, restored, and carefully stored. We often forego shipping to hand-carry them to their new homes. They are often highly valuable and some are irreplaceable. Put miniature leather tack on them, stand them up in scenes, and have them judged at a show? Are you mad?"
Not crazy, but quite serious, yes. Showing ceramics in performance, where tack and props are used to create a real life vignette, has a long history in the model horse hobby. It can be done via "photo showing", where the entries are submitted as carefully staged photos, digitally or hard copies through the mail, or at a "live show".
Clinky Classic is a live show, for ceramic horses only, where all the Performance entries are set up on a time limit, and judged "live", in person. This is our second show offering this division, and the tradition has begun for these glaze colors on each year's unique trophy designs.
Clinky Classic Performance division awards, for November 1st-2nd, 2014.
Many people view Performance showers as a breed of their own, much as ceramics collectors and exhibitors are viewed. They do have a lot in common, so it was natural for all-ceramic shows to offer Performance.
The following are some more recent examples of both photo and live show Performance entries.
Exhibitor Kim Jacobs creatively showed her Arabians in a variety of African, Asian (India being part of Asia), and Middle Eastern riding cultures:
Photo courtesy Kim Jacobs.
Photo courtesy Kim Jacobs.
Photo courtesy Kim Jacobs.
Photo courtesy Kim Jacobs.
Photo courtesy Kim Jacobs.
Photo courtesy Kim Jacobs.
2012 Clinky Classic Performance Champion.
Owned by Sue Stewart.
Native American Costume
Owned by Sue Stewart.
Photo courtesy Kim Jacobs.
Photo courtesy Kim Jacobs.
Photo courtesy Kim Jacobs.
Yes, and very well, I might add!
A custom glaze Performance entry.
Photo courtesy Marilyn Jensen.
A custom glaze English Performance entry awaits the ring.
Photo by author.
Western Pleasure with a unique custom glaze.
Photo by author.
This custom glaze by Maureen Love, shown as "O'Carolyn's Tribute" in the late 1980's-early '90's by Joan Berkwitz, was a Performance model! Several such vintage custom glazes, and factory finished ceramics, are known to have been strong Performance competitors. There is a rich tradition in the model horse hobby of competing unusual models under tack. The only limitations are your courage in showing them, and your creativity in presenting them!
Good luck with your future investigations into Performance showing your ceramics. There is no limit to the creativity or historical era, as long as it can be a recreation of a real-life horse use. Is your model performing tricks at Liberty on a movie set? Is your horse part of a reenanctment? If you can find real life reference, even ancient art, add it to your set up as documentation.
If you have questions about attending or Performance at Clinky Classic, just drop me a message. Entries close soon (October 1st, 2014) for the next show.
Thank you to all the intrepid ceramics exhibitors who shared their images for this post!